
About Us

A professional and a progressive team

Our Mission

VUTAB was started in 2015 by a group of experienced furnace specialists that have had enough of bad management and the lack of leadership. Said and done, the people it involved left their current positions and started a new company with a new mission. The vision that everyone should be able to afford a custom made furnace, they should not be forced to purchase a standard version that needs remodelling with a high price tag as conclusion. That vision is VUTAB's mission, bringing the world tailor made furnaces which is with in laws and regulations, and with a price tag that every heat treatment company can afford.

Our Core Team

Jan-Olof Busk

Jan-Olof Busk

Senior Sales Engineer and Project manager


Olle Pelz

Olle Pelz

Senior Sales Engineer and

Heat treatment Specialist





Clever, Rapid and Laudable Furnace Solutions